Free Deer Deterrent Plans
Step 7: Mount the drill...
Step 8: Start the noise
For this step, you'll need your deer deterrent, your modified golf ball, a piece of chain or several cable ties, flashing or a tin can, scissors, and another drill if you have one.
First, screw your striker plate to your post or tree about six to twelve inches below the end of the drill bit. We've had good luck cutting a piece of flashing and giving it a slight bend to make the striker plate. You can also use a tin can, a metal bowl, or just about anything else you want. We do recommend that you use a metal object since the metallic noise is very unnatural and works well to repel deer.
(If you skipped ahead to this step so that you could use your cheap drill to mount the bracket and striker plate, head back to Step 4.)
Next, decide whether you want to use a metal chain or cable ties to attach your golf ball to the deer deterrent. If using cable ties, loop several together into a chain as is shown in the picture above, so that the end of the chain hits the center of your striker plate. If using a metal chain, just cut the chain to the desired length. The chain or the cable ties can easily slip into the spiral at the end of the deer deterrent wire and through the loop on the modified golf ball.
You may be tempted to just use some of your coat hanger in place of the chain. This will work, but won't give you the flexibility which leads to the best deer deterrent action.

Either way, you should now have a completed deer deterrent. If you plug in your deterrent and push in one of the buttons on the drill, your golf ball should repeatedly strike the tin. (Don't worry that it's going too fast. We'll fix that in a later step.) If you'd rather your golf ball swing in the opposite direction, push in the other button on the drill instead. Tape down the button which gives you the best noise.
Take a few minutes to adjust the location of the striker plate and the length of the chain to get the best clang. If the striker plate is not positioned properly, you risk having your deterrent get caught up on the striker plate. It's fine for the golf ball to get a bit wild and strike the plate twice during some revolutions and not at all during other revolutions, though --- this irregularity makes the deer deterrent more effective.