Backyard Deer Deterrents: the dirt on keeping deer out of your garden without breaking the bank.

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Cover crops as a deer deterrent

Oat cover cropWe've worked up a multi-prong approach to keeping deer out of our garden.  First, dot the edges with homemade deer deterrents as the main line of defense, but keep your eyes open.  If you see a deer too close, take a potshot over its head and then add another deterrent in that spot.

This fall, I've added a third leg to the anti-deer campaign --- cover crops.  Fall and early winter are the worst times for deer damage in the garden since food sources in the woods largely disappear after the last acorn is consumed.  And while a summer deer visit just means that a leaf here and there is nipped, the smaller and slower growing winter garden can be completely defoliated in one night of deer gorging.  Cover crops give you a bit more wiggle room, since they are succulent and tasty at this time of year, so they attract the deer's attention before the beasts devour your beloved strawberry plants.  I noticed that during our two small deer incursions this fall, the plants that got eaten most were oats around the garden edges, which left me smiling instead of swearing.

Check out another one of Mark's homestead innovations --- our homemade chicken waterer that never spills or fills with poop.

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