Backyard Deer Deterrents: the dirt on keeping deer out of your garden without breaking the bank.

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metal bracket alternative

These large fence posts are turning out to be my favorite method of mount placement for the rotisserie motor deer deterrent.

The top piece is an appearance board made from treated lumber and the other piece can be whatever scrap you might have handy. Just make sure it's thick enough for your screws to bite into without going all the way through.

Locations dealing with a large deer population might need to experiment with a few different spots before you find the right one to protect your garden or flower bed. The temporary nature of these posts make it easy to unplug and pull it up out of the ground for easy relocation.

The metal fence post also allows for a slight wobble when the golf ball is in motion. I think this adds another dimension of movement that in my opinion can only increase the deterrent factor.

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