Backyard Deer Deterrents: the dirt on keeping deer out of your garden without breaking the bank.

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Deer deterrents (and site) back online!

Two deer eating in the snowThank you for your patience as this site sat neglected for a few months.  Soon after setting it up, I realized that I hated the blogging software associated with it, but it took me awhile to get the time to reformat the site to ikiwiki (my new favorite!)

A lot has happened with our deer deterrents over the winter, which Mark and I will post about over the next few weeks.  For today, I'll just regale you with a brief anecdote.

In December, our power went out for two weeks, and our deer deterrents stopped running.  This was our first big test since our noise barrier began to repel the four-legged fiends from our garden over the summer.  By the middle of the first day, three deer were in the yard --- the first ones to set foot within the perimeter in months.  Luckily, most of the garden is asleep at the moment, and the deer seemed most interested in eating the green Japanese Honeysuckle leaves dangling from trees at the edge of our cleared space.  Still, I was very glad to get our electricity back and our deterrents back online!

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